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12-24 | Conference

December ⏤ 2024

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Advanced School "Morphing Structural Materials – From Biology to Physics to Architecture" - September 2025
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This will be the best opportunity for whoever wants to learn about self-shaping matter. I am excited to take part in this advanced school, along with great Master of Physics and biology. Stay tuned, registration will soon be open! 

12-24 | Conference

December ⏤ 2024

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Innovation and sustainability in archietctural composites:  between practice and academia
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This invitation to lecturet at the 15th annual conference of the Israeli Engineers Society was a greaet occasion to present my dual perspective, between academic research and practice, in the field of alternative processes in architectural composites

12-24 | Conference

December ⏤ 2024

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Learning from Paris 
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I love Paris. I love talking about Paris. I love making others fall in love with Paris. Above all, it is a pleasure to bring others to LEARN FROM PARIS. This time, it was the excellence program of civil service commission. Thank you for this invitation to come and present the ongoing urban evolution of this great city

09-24 | Conference

September ⏤ 2024

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eCAADe conference
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This year's eCAADe conference was a great mixture of professional updating, meeting old friends and masters from long ago, and presenting our work in 3 different papers, with warm and meaningful support of greatgroup of Technion colleagues and friends

08-24 | Conference

August ⏤ 2024

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I had the honour and pleasure to be invited to present my architectural perspective on sustainability and curavture, to find multiple crossings and possible paths for collaboration with curious and brilliant biologist who explore curvature on cellular or mollecular scale. 

08-24 | Conference

August ⏤ 2024

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IASS conference presentations

 I was happy and proud to have our work brilliantly presented by Gal Kapon and Ofri Dar, in this inspiring venue of this years IASS conference, at the ETH in Zurich. 

06-24 | New Papers

June ⏤ 2024

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Two papers submitted, accepted, adjusted and refined - we are now ready to roll! Upcoming IASS conference, this year at the ETH, sure looks promissing. For the first time, I will be there with 2 students presenting their excellent work (Gal Kapon and Ofri Dar). 

06-24 | Conference

June ⏤ 2024

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Innovation in Building Skins
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One day of carefully selected speakers amongst the prinpal local actors in building-envelopes design, engineering and fabrication. We will be taking part in this high-profile meeting point for all those who are involved in the making of our intense urban skyline, with my presentation of innovative composite building skins, on behalf of Xenom Composites

06-24 | Conference

June ⏤ 2024

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Student Research Conference
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I am so proud of Ofri Dar, my talented master's student who presented her research on Frustrated Ceramics at the Faculty's Student Research Conference (at the Technion) and got the second prize! With a tight and well-crafted presentation, she definitly deserved it!

06-24 | Conference

June ⏤ 2024

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INNO- innovation in Office and workspace design, Bait Vanoy
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I will be sharing some insights of how composite materials and free-form geometry can be a means of innovation in office design and interiors, on behalf of Xenom Composites.

06-24 | Conference

June ⏤ 2024

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With three brilliant students and their great papers, we are getting ready to the eCAADe conference, this year really a short hop away in Cyprus. See you all there!

05-24 | Conference

May ⏤ 2024

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Conference hommage à Maurizio Brocato: Innovation, de la matière àl'architecture
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Last year, we have dramatically and suddently lost a great man, a brilliant engineer, an original researcher and for me, an inspirational supervisor. It is exciting to be invited to give a talk at this conference, a two-days hommage to this great person, both at the Paris Malaquais school of architecture, and at Ecole des Ponts. 

05-24 | Conference

May ⏤ 2024

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Annual Israeli Architecture Conference
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Happy to participate once again ath the annual architecture conference and presnet another angle of our activity at Xenom Composites: "Free-form Geometry - from gigantic moulds to unique intdoor spaces"

05-24 | Lecture

May ⏤ 2024

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Wizo lecture series : Form and structure
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A last moment change, and I was lucky to have Tom Shaked as my partner for this lecture! As part of the Sustainaility&Architecture lecture series, by the Architecture department at Wizo Haifa Academy of Design.

05-24 | Lab Update

May ⏤ 2024

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First Kiln is launched in Frustrated Lab
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FrustratedLab at the Techion is proudly announcing its launch of the first kiln! Finally, things are getting started in my newly esteablished lab at the Techion, and this is exciting … 

04-24 | FrustratedLab 

April ⏤ 2024

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FrustratedLab is settling in 
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Frustrated Lab is settling in! We have the privilege of being hosted by the National Building Research Institute, at the Technion of course. Come by and have a coffee…. 

01-24 | Grant

January ⏤ 2024

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Grant acceptance - Ministry of science and technology
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I am excited to announce the reception of a  research grant by the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology. "Frustrated Ceramics: Sustainable mouldless fabrication of architectural ceramics by self-shaping" is the first research project i will be leading as a  Technion researcher! looking forward to others that will follow... 

12-23 | Conference

December 12-14 ⏤ 2023

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i am delighted to be invited as a speaker by the Berlin cluster of excellence 'Matters of Activity' and participate in the conference "Architectured materials across scales". I will present my ongoing research on alternative architectural composites, as architectured materials

10-23 | Meeting

October 16-18 ⏤ 2023

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Invited to participate at  'Complex material structures, Natural and Architectd' - the 57th meeting of Society for Natural Philosophy

I am hounoured to be invited speaker at this conference, at a special session on architectured materials. The session is dedicated to the memory of dear Prof. Maurizio Brocato, a unique person that has left us too early. We were just about to start a new research collaboration at the moment of his unexpected leave. 

08-23 | Installation

August ⏤ 2023

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We have been working on that project for a long time now, and these special panels have been waiting for a while to be up there ! It is exciting to see this operation starting to go on live. 

07-23 | Meeting

July ⏤ 2023

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An academic encounter a few years ago has been revived thanks to this Erasmus opportunity

07-23 | Presentation

July ⏤ 2023

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"Frustrated ceramics" taken up to level of craftsmanship by Hagar Ofek, final presentation Bezalel Masters in Industrial design 

Final presentation of Masters Industrial design - Student Hagar Ofek

06-23 | Presentation

June 27 ⏤ 2023

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Another group of talented students from the Department of Architecture at Wizo Haifa Academy of Design has gone through the journey from a component to a system, experiencing materials and fabrication processes, and some digital parametric design too . What a pleasure ! 

06-23 | Conference

June 11 ⏤ 2023

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Proud to be giving a talk on behalf of Xenom composites at this one-day conference, on the magic of architectural composites .  There are some very promissing speakers there, such as Anat Stern represeting Zaha Hadid Architects, Daniel Diez from MVRDV, Mariano Efron from Paris-based Architecture Studio, and many more, I am sure this will be a fascinating day

07-23 | Media

July ⏤ 2023

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Portfolio Magazine "And then the adventure began": designers and scientists at the London Design Biennale

06-23 | Media

June ⏤ 2023

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Walla 'Israeli pride at the International Design Biennale in London'
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06-23 | Media

June ⏤ 2023

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The Jerusalem Post 'Self-morphing materials can make industrial production more eco-friendly'


06-23 | Media

June ⏤ 2023

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Dezeen 'Ten standout pavilions from the 2023 London Design Biennale'
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06-23 | Workshop

June 05-06 ⏤ 2023

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Another group of talented students from the Department of Architecture at Wizo Haifa Academy of Design has gone through the journey from a component to a system, experiencing materials and fabrication processes, and some digital parametric design too . What a pleasure ! 

02-22 | Media

February ⏤ 2022

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YNET 'What do frustrated materials look like? The women who play physics and break the rules of design'

02-22 | Media

February ⏤ 2022

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Aperio, the Azrieli Foundation 'Breaking the Mould'

01-22 | exhibition

January ⏤ 2022

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01-21 | Media

January ⏤ 2021

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Benyamini Center 'Gallery talk - Alchemy'
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05-20 | Media

May ⏤ 2020

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YNET 'Ministry of Culture Award for Design for 2019'

11-19 | Media

November ⏤ 2019

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Women at work

09-17 | Media

September ⏤ 2017

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Designboom 'Arielle Blonder + Shira Shoval's art piece explores nanocellulose at the Eretz Israel Museum
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10-16 | Media

October ⏤ 2016

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Times of Israel 'At Venice Biennale, Israeli pavilion merges art and science'

09-16 | Media

September ⏤ 2016

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Haaretz 'The dream yard of special education'
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06-16 | Media

June ⏤ 2016

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Designboom 'Israeli pavilion showcases woven bird's nest structure at venice architecture biennale'
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06-16 | Media

June ⏤ 2016

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Archdaily 'LifeObject: Inside Israel's Pavilion at the 2016 Venice Biennale'
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05-16 | Media

May ⏤ 2016

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Inexhibit 'LifeObject – Israel at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2016'
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05-16 | Media

May ⏤ 2016

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Portfolio Magazine 'The nesting season opens in Venice'

05-16 | Media

May ⏤ 2016

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Haaretz 'A conversation between architecture and biology'
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05-16 | Media

May ⏤ 2016

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World Architecture 'Israel's Pavilion merges Architecture and Biology'

05-16 | Media

May ⏤ 2016

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Artext 'LIFEOBJECT, Merging Biology & Architecture'

03-16 | Media

March ⏤ 2016

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Portfolio Magazine 'Push aside our design fantasies'

08-15 | Media

August ⏤ 2015

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Ynet 'A surprising choice for the Israeli pavilion at the Venice Biennale'

01-13 | Media

January ⏤ 2013

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Portfolio Magazine 'How to create almost anything'

04-13 | Media

April⏤ 2013

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Haaretz 'A shoe is going to be processed through a printer'
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08-11 | Media

August ⏤ 2011

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Haaretz 'The temporary structures that will improve the quality of life of the people of the social protest'
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04-11 | Media

April ⏤ 2011

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Haaretz 'Architecture experiments from Barcelona and Tel Aviv'
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